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Rich's avatar

Was never a big PvP player and I mostly ignore microtransactions so this latest of Destiny's many crises hasn't exacerbated anything for me. To my mind the issue goes deeper.

I used to be massively into Destiny, but haven't played since before Lightfall. Season of Plunder just left me really cold and I realised I'd lost any appetite to go back, which is weird considering how much fun I was having around the Witch Queen. The contrast with Baldur's Gate 3 - an utterly enthralling, enriching single-player experience - hasn't flattered Destiny in my eyes, and I've been seeing some of my favourite Destiny streamers (e.g. AztecCross) feeling the same way.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Alas, I suspect it will never reach the lofty heights of the Witch Queen again. Unless perhaps the rumoured TV show/movie come to pass and reinvigorate the player base. I wonder how many years it will be until they give up and start on Destiny 3.

Rich's avatar

They say Final Shape is the end of the current saga. I reckon Destiny 3 is the next major release after that - maybe 2025/26.

Joel's avatar

Do you play Destiny? You should have mentioned it...

Rich's avatar

I can mention it more, if you like!


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