It’s Gamescom week! And that means there’s news to be found.
Unlike E3, Gamescom isn’t about big flashy conferences where all the news parades around like peacocks on display. Gamescom news is subtler, stalking from booth to booth like a tiger through long grass before pouncing and yelling “NEW FABLE GAMEPLAY” in your face.
But just because it isn’t neatly packaged in a 60-minute showcase doesn’t mean it’s not out there. In fact, with the sad death of E3 (RIP) and a horizon full of major releases, there could be more news at Gamescom 2023 than ever. You just have to look for it.
That’s where you come in.
Throughout Gamescom, we’re running a ‘double XP’ promotion on Just About Video Games. From August 21 to 25, the community’s Organic Rewards pot will be raised to $100 per day, and the 20 users who get the most reactions on their posts will each get $5 for their wallets. Just dig out some brilliant gaming news this week and share it to the channel. Could be an article, could be a video, or maybe you’re at the show and have managed to photograph a surprise release? Or even score an interview?
Whatever it is, we want to hear about it. If you missed last week’s announcement of Organic Rewards, click here to get caught up - it’s a delightfully simple concept, and Gamescom arrives at the perfect time to crank it up a couple of notches. So go on and tell us all about what’s happening in the games industry this week!
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