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Video Games

Video Games
Thomas's avatar

Gotta be the Tomb Raider remasters. I've wanted them to do that for years, even if they actually turn out to be as hard as I remember them being and I spend all my time in the mansion

Boomer's avatar

I'm right there with you. Tomb Raider is an absolute gem of a franchise! I used to love the time trial obstacle course behind the mansion. Me and my friends were convinced we could get over the hedgerow and beyond the mansion grounds...never managed it though!

Ford James's avatar

That Octopia DLC for Eastward is right up my street - the base game is a fantastic indie adventure, and a Stardew-esque expansion looks adorable.

Boomer's avatar

OK you might have sold me on that. I've never played Eastward, but Stardew was absolutely my jam!

Annette's avatar

Super Crazy Rhythm Castle, like, obviously.

Boomer's avatar

I mean with a name like that how is it not top spot for everyone!?


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