FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth will be released on 29 February 2024. All I can say about it is that most likely I woke up the neighbours with my screams watching the trailer. Sorry not sorry.
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FINAL FANTASY VII Rebirth will be released on 29 February 2024. All I can say about it is that most likely I woke up the neighbours with my screams watching the trailer. Sorry not sorry.
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I have nostalgia for this game. Hope they do the same for FFVIII too
Yes FFVIII Remake would be amazing!
I love the little mini games in the trailer. The beat-'em up bit makes me think of Rock' Em Sock 'Em Robots!
Mini games in FFVII Remake were fun, looking forward to try these. My partner was just watching me play but then I caught him logging in to play the minigames 😂 so they are certainly attractive.
I'm not sure how it would be received, but I'd totally play a Mario Party-style game of all the mini games!
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