Resident Evil is a much beloved franchise, but I'm not sure people are going to love the $60/£58 price tag to play on mobile!
I've been a sucker for a good mobile game in my day, spending too much time on things like Pokemon GO, Clash Royale, Fallout Shelter, and even Adventure Capitalist, but I couldn't imagine paying that much.
There is the odd game where I buy lootcrates or skins because I've got so many hours out of essentially a free title, but large initial purchases seem like a different thing entirely.
Then again, they are claiming this will be a console quality experience, so maybe it justifies it?
Would you be happy paying $60/£58 up front for a console-quality experience on a mobile, or do you think free-to-play with microtransactions is a better model?
What do you think?
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