PC Gamer's write-up adds some good context to this news. Metzen was a legend at Blizzard - he was creative director of World of Warcraft during its heyday, when some of its most popular expansions including Wrath of the Lich King released - but retired from game dev in 2016.
Blizzard is going through a turbulent time right now, with its handling of both Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 leaving a fair bit to be desired. Metzen is returning as creative director of the whole Warcraft franchise, so fans who know his reputation will no doubt hope that he can restore at least one of Blizzard's big IPs to glory. In the near term, this year's Blizzcon is just over a month away and about the right time to reveal a new WoW expansion, but Metzen's job title suggests a broader scope than just the one game, so hopefully this means new Warcraft projects in the future.
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