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Video Games
Boomer's avatar

If you do check out Assassin's Creed Mirage, we've got some new bounties for first impressions, screenshots etc:

I played Assassins Creed 1 - 4 (Black Flag) and all the expansions in between, but I couldn't keep track of the various titles after that!

The stealth parts of AC1 were a lot of fun at the time, so I think the newer titles returning to smaller stealth-based gameplay sounds great, particularly as the industry has advanced a lot since AC1.

I have to say that Black Flag was so much fun! Hopping in your ship, sailing around, singing sea shanties, and raiding islands. In a way it reminds me of GTA in that you can just drive around listening to the radio and still have a great time, but if you want to play the game then the story is just waiting for you.

Rich's avatar

I skipped the third AC, but I know it's widely regarded as a low point for the series. The best thing about Odyssey and Valhalla for me was the amazing recreation of their historical settings, but they did feel pretty bloated by the end, and the series has never managed to shed all of the annoying jank in its parkour. I think returning to a smaller and more urban setting should obviate both these issues to some degree, so I'm definitely interested in Mirage.

But that's me. If the gameplay is what appeals to you, I generally think the AC games could and should do a better, tighter job of stealth and combat. It's perfectly serviceable, but Metal Gear Solid and more recently the new Hitman trilogy are a cut above when it comes to delivering the same fantasy. (How are you getting on with Hitman, by the way?)

Joel's avatar

As someone who's played most of them, I'd say letting setting guide you. If you're really into Ancient Greece or Vikings then you'll get a kick out of Odyssey/Valhalla etc. I put far too hours in Valhalla, which I can't honestly say was time well spent, but I just got kind of hooked at a certain point and needed to clear the map markers :(

The idea of a smaller, less bloated AC experience I think definitely has an appeal, even if I've personally vowed to stay away from now on.


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