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Video Games

Video Games
Seán 's avatar

Really love Arkane This game always felt like a Microsoft game pass game. I hope Arkane get to make the stuff they want in future.

Boomer's avatar

Arkane's games always have a lot of character. Dishonored and Prey were really atmospheric, though admittedly I only watched a few times as my partner play them.

Do you think they're worth going back and playing them so long after release?

I thoroughly enjoyed Deathloop, and hopefully Redfall will get the same love after these updates!

Seán 's avatar

As a fan boy yes :) Definitely Dishonored 2 at least. Game should be a text book to teach level design is schools. (clockwork mansion, a crack in the slab chef's kiss of missions) Really fun games to explore for lore. Damn might play it again.

Boomer's avatar

There's a podcast I listen to called The Level Design Podcast that praised the verticality of the level design, which I always thought sounded interesting.

Seán 's avatar

You legend thank you will give a listen.


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