The Modern Warfare 3 beta is here and along with your first impressions, we also want to see the best clip you've managed to capture!
We're leaving the definition of "best" up to you here - it could be a triple collateral with a sniper, a quad feed, or a display of smarts rather than multiple kills, eliminating an enemy in an inventive or unexpected way. Or perhaps sheer luck, if you manage to pull off an extraordinary feat by accident. The definition of "best" then returns to the community and to us, with the jointly judged best submission earning $15, with $10 for second and $5 for third.
Pot total
This reward closed to entries at 11:55am on December 15, 2023 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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