Gamespot have shared a list of upcoming games expected for a 2024 release.
While most of them are in the "to be announced" section rather than an actual month, there are some fun and weird ones in the mix!
Here are a few of my favourites 😃
Another Crab's TreasureThe world's crabbiest soulslike
Baby Steps A literal walking simulator
The Gecko GodsTiny gecko clambers through the crumbling ruins of a collapsed society
Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop* Come on down to Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop, for all your roguelite spaceship repair simulation needs!
Are there any on the Gamespot list that catch your eye?
Full disclosure, I did some work for the publisher of Uncle Chops before starting at Just About. It wasn't on Uncle Chops, but I was there while it was being worked on, so I might be a little biased! Watch the trailer and judge for yourself 😅
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