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Video Games

Video Games

ps not sure if there was a better way for me to post this which embeds the video in the post?

Boomer's avatar

To embed tweets in the post you click the three dots at the top of the tweet, and click Embed Post.

Then copy the code that it shows you

Then back on Just About, click the </> code icon in the post composer, and paste the code between the ' '.

This has worked for me when writing posts, so here is an example in a recent Just About Video Games post.

Wings's avatar

I don't know about TV ads but whenever I think of the best video game trailers, its got to be Dead Island and Dead Island 2. Incredible storytelling but y'know zombies gonna zomb so too gruesome for TV

Boomer's avatar

Oh my god, that Dead Island 1 trailer was amazing and it still holds up!

Link, but as Wings says, it's zombies zombing, so don't expect a happy ending (or beginning!).


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