I'm pretty excited to find out more about the Diablo 4 DLC, but with the release coming late 2024 there's still a while to go.
World of Warcraft, on the other hand, has already had details shared.
The $90 Epic Edition has been met with a disapproving outcry from fans, saying that paying that much for 3 days of early access is out of touch.
In Blizzard's defense though, the bundle does come with a lot of other stuff, such as;
Access to The War Within (expansion)
level 70 boost
1000 trader's tender (cosmetic currency)
guaranteed beta access
30 days of gametime (normally costs $15)
a storm hatchling battle pet
a Storm Gryphon toy
a hearthstone effect
3 days early access to The War Within
...but then again, $90 isn't a small amount of money!
Do you think the price is justified? What if it was your favourite game - would you buy a $90 early access, and if so, what else would it need to make it worth it?
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