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Video Games
Nicole's avatar

Cannot wait for this show!!!


same, it looks sooooooooo good! Like an actual EPIC! Hope its a series with at least 8 episodes each an hour long!

Boomer's avatar

This looks surprisingly good. I was expecting it to be a bit cheesy, but this looks great! The one thing I hope is that they don't go too CGI-heavy on things like the Brotherhood of Steel or Super Mutants / Ghouls.

A good comparison would be the Halo TV series. There were a few bits that seemed to lack weight, like some of the Elite fight scenes, but overall it looked and felt great.


agree! Even though ive still not brought myself to watching the Halo TV show, is it worth a go?v Maybe watch it over the festive period

Boomer's avatar

I really enjoyed it. The only thing I will say is try not to get too hung up on the voice/face of Master Chief. The actor does a great job, but some people were worried that the voice was different and that they show his face.

There's a bit of filler, but otherwise there's a solid story in there.


awesome, ill check it out then, yeah i dont get too hung up on that kind of stuff if im enjoying it so all good! Plus Master Chiefs voice in the game can get kind of annoying so im up for a change haha

Nicole's avatar

Was worried when they first announced it but the hope was always that they'd go all in really epic with it and everything I've seen or heard so far supports that!


absolutely! Amazon throwing some serious cash at there shows which is great to see when its a gaming franchise! Hopefully its amazing and sets up more gaming franchises on the silver screen next too!

Nicole's avatar

Getting that lost-in-time, 50s vibe-y atmosphere is gonna be key!

Thomas's avatar

Oh damn it looks near perfect


i know, i am so shocked how good it looks! Also makes me excited to see what Amazon come up with for the Tomb Raider series and Warhammer 40k!

Thomas's avatar

It definitely feels like TV is a much better medium for video game adaptations than film, and after how great The Last of Us was I'm willing to give anything the benefit of the doubt


totally agree! Cant get enough in a 2 hour movie! Even though i did really enjoy the last Tomb Raider movie but left me wanting more which a TV series would hopefully deliver!

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