Rockstar pushes boundaries. GTA 3 set the blueprint for the third-person open-world game. San Andreas, with its three distinct cities, set new genre standards in its scope, and introduced its ingenious turf war mechanic. GTA 5 had its three switchable protagonists, and then, of course, there's GTA Online. These are the games which change gaming for good.
We want to know what you think is next in GTA 6. Will Rockstar do it again, and if so, how? Have your eagle eyes spotted something in the trailer, or perhaps in a leak? Perhaps you've got some solid speculation? Or if not, maybe you'd just like to wish for something that would seem to fit with its Vice City setting or Bonne-and-Clyde protagonists.
Write or record a little something about one great big groundbreaking idea that you think GTA 6 will bring to change gaming forever, and please outline your reasoning - bonus points if you've got something solid to go on e.g. from the trailer, but wishlisting is ok too.
The most interesting, exciting, or plausible ideas will get $3 apiece. Let's get speculating!
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$9 / 45
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