A supercut isn't just what you get at a budget-friendly hairdressing chain. It's also a genre of video editing, consisting of a montage of short clips with the same theme. It's a fun and engaging way to tell a particular story within an event, and can amuse and surprise: every time someone (mainly Snake) growls "liquid" in Metal Gear Solid 4, for instance. Our challenge to you: make a themed 60-second supercut of The Game Awards!
You can pick any theme for your supercut: it doesn't need to tell the story of the TGAs, but rather a story from them. Every award? Every game announcement? Every dramatic 'bwaaahhh' noise or every time one of the award winners was interrupted by the 'wrap it up music'?
In sum: a 30-second supercut, with a clear theme, recognisably from The Game Awards 2023. We'll pick a first, second, and third prize from submissions, awarding $30, $20, and $10 respectively. Get cutting!
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$60 / 60
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