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Video Games
Philip's avatar

It's interesting how you need to pay more to get a disc drive. Seeing as it now seems to be outdated tech.

Damien Mason's avatar

You're not just paying extra for the disc drive. The Series X features a better SOC with 12 Teraflops versus 4 on the Series S. It aims for 4K resolution instead of a 1440p cap. That's the main factor in the premium on the Series X.

Just factoring the drive, though, it's additional hardware, requires a specific design to accommodate, and likely increases the weight which bumps fuel costs when shipping the same amount of units as the lighter Series S. As hardware becomes antiquated, the components used to make them are produced in smaller quantities, ramping up the price of parts. I can't say this latter point applies to disc drives just yet since they're not old enough to hit that threshold, but it's a point nonetheless.


yeah I actually want the disc drive as if I buy a game I always try and get a physical copy as I hate the idea of an all digital future even tho most games I play are on game pass

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Honestly, I gave up on Xbox a long time ago, it was my first "new tech" console back when they where first released. Imma Ps5/Pc Gamer now xD

Damien Mason's avatar

It's tough to justify a Series console if you're a PC owner, but I can't deny the sheer value you get in a Series S or even Series X. No contest if you're willing to pay more, but even getting an equivalent PC will cost you quite a bit more than either console costs.


yeah I agree but I do like them for different games and always enjoy consoles and pc, my big problem is I just hate how the series x looks, such an awkward shape for putting in a tv unit for example

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Yeh, for me it's the lack of customization you know? There either black of white or you pay a fortune for a skin cover, i love my glass case PC with LEDS for days lol.


I can’t help myself I just love them all lol


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