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Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Quite frankly I love Fortnite, I play with my sons and I enjoy it. The plot for Fortnite is quite involved and IMO if anyone can bring it to life, he could do it, it's just up his street, I think a Fortnite movie would make SOOOOO much money at the Box office, it really would.

Boomer's avatar

Oh no doubt it'd be the biggest movie of the year!

I've not played much Fortnite and have zero knowledge of the plot, so I wonder where they'd go with it. I think my initial concern was Snyder's history with the DCU (and other movies) have been quite dark, but Fortnite is so bright and colourful.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

The storyline is quite destructive and dark imo, factions at war, the island getting smacked about non stop, so I think he'd fit right in but he'd have to be careful or it would get a PG rating at least

Damien Mason's avatar

I'm always torn on these kinds of thoughts. I'm a bit sick of IP ruling over narrative and character development, so these feel like cash grabs. I'm perfectly fine with video game adaptations bringing stories and characters to a wider audience, even with changes made. After all, games are actually better storytellers these days. I'm just not a fan of latching onto service games where the concept won't translate well to cinema, especially when the game in question is more of a metaverse melting pot that includes more tie-ins than anything.

That said, playing devil's advocate, no pre-existing story gives them a lot of freedom to create one from scratch. The Lego Movie did very well with its core concept but simultaneously feels more like the exception to the rule rather than an indication that this is a good way to go. After all, the sequel and spin-offs didn't hit the same.

With a good team, who knows? It could end up being good. It'll make money regardless because of brand recognition but whether it'll do more harm than good to cinema and Fortnite remains to be seen.

Boomer's avatar

I tend to agree with you on this. As I said to EveOnlineTutorials, I've not played Fortnite, but I would go and see this in the cinema. I can't say why, as I'm not familiar with the story and don't play the game.

From what I've heard the League of Legends show Arcane on Netflix was done really well, so maybe that's something to learn from.

The franchise mashup is the part that concerns me. Is it going to be another Ready Player One or Wreck It Ralph, or is there enough character (and characters) beneath the licenses to tell a compelling story?

I'm interested in seeing the attempt, but I have absolutely no idea where it'd go!

Damien Mason's avatar

Apologies, I actually wrote a big response to this and the servers prevented it from sending and I lost the text. Heartbreaking.

Arcane is a superb show, and this is coming from someone who isn't a League of Legends fan at all. Fortnite includes a similar roster of characters, each with a bio-long introduction, so it has similar foundations, but they're regularly overshadowed by the commercial tie-ins. I can name a LoL character or two despite having played the same amount as Fortnite, but I couldn't name a single Fortnite character beyond what exists in the real world.

There's deep lore in the way the world changes between seasons but it's so very gameplay-driven (and rightly so as a game) that I'm not sure it translates to a narrative that works on the silver screen.

I worry it might tread the same line as Battle Royale or The Hunger Games given the source material we're working with, although admittedly there is a gap in the market for an even kid-friendlier version of both.

Thomas's avatar

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I am happy for someone to take an earnest stab at a Fortnite movie but despite the game apparently having fairly deep lore I never get the sense that that's why people are there, so I'm not sure what angle they could take that would make for a genuinely compelling narrative. The best I could imagine is effectively the same premise as Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, but I don't really like that either!

Damien Mason's avatar

As I mentioned above, they could go a more kid-friendly route than Battle Royale or The Hunger Games, since there hasn't been one. But nothing compelling stands out from the existing lore. No matter how much people love Fortnite, it's hard to argue that it does just feel like a vehicle for corporate deals. But cynical me might shut up if it's in the right hands.


very interesting, would it be live action or a cgi Toy Story animated style? I could see this being massive, thinking like how the Lego movie was done! Personally I would love to see him do a gears of war movie, I think he would crush the visuals and tone of it, like 300 and watchmen!

Boomer's avatar

See now he'd be perfect for a Gears movie! I mean it affectionately when I say he's got the right levels of bleakness and brutality for a franchise like that. There have already been a few actors saying they want to take on a Gears movie, with Bautista wanting to play Marcus Fenix.


Totally agree! I am 100 percent down for this. Zack to direct and big Dave to star as Marcus! Heck yeah!

Damien Mason's avatar

Speaking of Dave, has anyone here seen Knock at the Cabin? Divisive film, as M. Night Shyamalan movies usually are, but I honestly think it shows off just how versatile Dave really is. I'd love to see him in more.


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