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Video Games

Video Games
Boomer's avatar

Dungeon Keeper was so much fun! I've not played any of the Dungeons games, so I'll have to pick it up.

Do you think starting with 4 is a good move, or is there an ongoing story throughout the franchise?

Full disclosure, I did my uni placement with Lionhead (largely Bullfrog staff) and did some contract work for Kasedo (Kalypso subsidiary).


awww fam that’s amazing! Bullfrog legit made my fav games as a kid, in particular dungeon keeper annd the DLC I loved the deeper dungeons, that was my jam, and theme hospital / park! Yeah I’d say just jump into the latest one, there is an ongoing story but it’s no biggie I started at 3 and didn’t get into it as much as 4 so I feel 4 is a better gameplay experience! Plus it’s on game pass and also pretty reasonably priced if purchasing! It’s available everywhere I think apart from the switch I’m not sure about !

Boomer's avatar

There really was something special about Bullfrog, wasn't there? Have you tried Two Point Hospital? My partner loves it!

Populous was the one I played the most, but I think Lionhead perfected it with Black & White.

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have to check it out after the holidays 😊


aww yeah I loved 2 point hospital, not tried the university one yet tho, looks great too! Aww I never played black & white back in the day! Will need to see if I can grab it on steam or something!

Nicole's avatar

I have poured HOURS of my life into 2 point hospital and I do not regret it!


no better way to spend some time!

Damien Mason's avatar

I think you might've just sold me on this... I'm a newbie myself.


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