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Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

Torgal is the best boy ❤

Nicole's avatar

This reminds me of one of the best accounts to ever grace Twitter/X.

@CanYouPetTheDog just runs down all the pettable dogs (although the net of what counts as a dog is pretty wide) in video games. I urge all developers to remember that if you are going to put a dog into a game, we would very much like to pet it please!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Yes that account is amazing! I love seeing when developers interact with them.

And even the baby chocobo on FFVII Rebirth counts as a dog yes :D

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me it's my lava dog in WoW, that thing is max level trained, Ill challenge anyone with him xD


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