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Video Games

Video Games
Boomer's avatar

Play? It'd probably be something like Minecraft, purely for how vast and varied it can be.

That said, I'd watch people play Outer Wilds for their first time til the end of time!

It's an absolute masterpiece of a game, but is has zero replayability, other than to just drift through space.

WARNING: If you're interested in Outer Wilds then I strongly recommend not watching any trailers. It's a mystery relying almost entirely on knowledge (and some space flight) to progress, so any clue could be a major spoiler.


haha good call on both games!

tinny_three's avatar


NO WAIT Crusader Kings 3

But Red Alert's a great shout.


niceee! Really hope we get a new faithful to the original gameplay red alert 🚨 would be unreal

Lanah Tyra's avatar

FFXIV. But can I also retire like now? Maybe then I'ld actually be able to do everything I want in the game :D


haha you have my permission to retire right now!


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