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Video Games

Video Games
Rich's avatar

My name’s Rich and I’m the Community Content Lead here at Just About. With the invaluable help of Alex and our Content Managers, it’s our job to figure out what you folks want to see on your communities and then deliver it through our bounties, discussions, and curated content. If you have any questions or suggestions about the content here, just tag me Rich, or our Community Manager Boomer for moderation issues.

I’ve been playing games since the early ‘90s, but I can’t recall exactly whether my very first was on my family PC or my best friend’s Master System. Wolfenstein 3D, Commander Keen, Bubble Bobble, Alex Kidd, and Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker all stand out. I’ve been gaming pretty intensely ever since, have dabbled in modding, and even managed to spin it into a career - before Just About, I was a games journalist. I can and have played and enjoyed pretty much everything, but I especially love strategy games and big narrative experiences, whether in the shooter or RPG genres. Dark Souls, Alpha Centauri, the Total Warhammers, and latterly Baldur’s Gate 3 are some of my favourites.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Hello everyone

I am here representing our team channel Eve Online Tutorials aka EoT and my personal YouTube name is FirestormCarnage, I also don't mind being called "Matt" as well if people feel more comfortable with that.

I head up EoT, choose content, and direct my team into making sure our channel runs smoothly, I also run my own channel FirestormCarnage as ell, but this is mostly Minecraft content, build tutorials, etc, I love to teach people how to do things.

I was brought up in social care so my first ever console/gaming machine was a Super Nintendo followed by the N64 when I was adopted, I was around 12-13 at this point. Since then I have been obsessed with gaming and technology since then. My first PC game was Unreal Tournament followed by Red Alert.

Personally apart from being a YouTuber, I am also a senior IT Engineer as well for a multi-national company where I do mostly contract work based on fixing/installing servers and I have my own personal client list of "home PC repair" etc.

My all-time favorite games are Red Alert, Eve Online, Minecraft


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