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Video Games

Video Games
Wings's avatar

This is awesome! I haven't actually played it yet but I know the love for Ghost of Tsushima is real so I'd be down to try out the director's cut (I should really clear out the to-play list).

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is at the very top of my list of games that I kick myself for never finishing. I played in 2021 and loved it enough to be a completionist about it, but then after chasing every fox and pondering every haiku, I stop playing very close to the end. Fantastic game!


Boomer's avatar

Ghost of Tsushima is a masterpiece! The movie is going to be equal parts stunning and brutal. I can already see the list of awards it'll win.

Paul's avatar

Great game, beautiful. I hope all you PC players enjoy it...

I cant wait to see the Thomas the tank engine mods😁


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