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Video Games

Video Games

Afraid ive not played it yet, in my backlog tho!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

This is one of the few games in existence that can reduce me to tears, easily and every time.

Rich's avatar

I started the first but just couldn't get into it. Always been meaning to give it another shot; I respect it implicitly as one of the first games to succeed in doing the then-new and valuable thing it was trying to do.

Paul's avatar

I 'v never played it and never gave it a second thought but after seeing a Euro Gamer intro to it I ended up whatching a full play though of it and before the storm,I got really hooked.

Makster's avatar

ah yes - the bae or bay decision

Wings's avatar

I have never gasped and shot forward in my seat quite like playing Life is Strange. It’s so good!


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