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Video Games
Makster's avatar

Hey Murray - I recently connected with you on Instagram. I'll try and catch one of your streams as I think we have similar tastes. I love the original MGS too. I've been meaning to complete MGS2 and then move onto MGS 4 as I was doing a canon chronological playthrough as I beat MGS3 and Peace Walker last.

And yes, my JA payments also go onto random nerd merch on eBay too! I recently bought a Penny Arcade DVD set with my April payment but I'm looking at a humble bundle for this month. 🎮 Best game of all time? Difficult question but I think it has to be World of Warcraft. I haven't played in 10 years but when I was on, I was obsessed. I've never played a game that made me feel like a small pawn in a world that was so dynamically changing.

🎮 I got a 360 this year since games are super cheap right now so been catching up on Halo and Gears. Just beat Bioshock Infinite recently which was pretty good but it does have it's flaws

🎮 Gaming guilt is probably reading and participating in the culture of games rather than playing it. Obsessed with the culture war of gaming and watching the conferences but I'm still a generation behind with a PS4 and PC wise I still rock a 2012 Macbook Pro.


awww that all sounds fab! Good idea with the MGS games in chronological order I’d never thought about that! I never played 3 back in the day myself but I Remeber playing it at a friends so I’m excited to get stuck into that soon too! Also 2 as it’s just a masterpiece which I never had as a kid lol I had a VHS tape from a gaming magazine called games master which had a trailer for MGS 2 which I would watch on repeat as the graphics were so mind blowing lol

Aww the 360 is great to collect for! I am also doing that! Going to get another system too as I have the original RROD Xbox so not sure I want to run it into the ground haha

That would be awesome to catch you on some streams as getting like minded gamers together for chat and a laugh is the goal! Thanks for re-intro yourself!

What games are you playing right now? Which halo and gears? They are so good from the 360 era!

Makster's avatar

This games master? I loved that magazine when I was growing up too! Never really read the articles and reviews lol, just more for the pictures.

Also you need to play MGS 3 - possibly the best in the series when it comes to mechanics. If you can get the MGS HD collection on PS3/360 that's probs the best way to play it otherwise you can gamble on the remake MGS 3 Delta which should be coming out soon. Tbh I really liked Peace Walker since it was a mission based format so short levels that was completed in 5-10 minutes (initially released on PSP so that's why it is like that).

Yeah I grew up with only a PS3 which is why I went back to the 360. I just beat Halo 2, Gears 2, Halo ODST, and Spec Ops: The Line (wildly underrated game on release which is more of a cult hit now that it's been taken off digital store fronts)


Yeah thats the magazine! I had a subscription and it was such a buzz when it would drop through the letterbox every month! Absolutely loved it!

Awesome, cant wait to get into all the classic MGS games! Also I didnt know that about Peace Walker, i have that on xbox backwards compatibility but not tried it yet!? so its worth a play?

Is spec ops the line the one that just got delisted recently? So many incredible games on 360, it really was the high point of the Xbox brand (and tbh pretty much what i play still on the series consoles)

Paul's avatar

Hi new people, Im Paul.

As well as video games I am also a huge Warhammer nerd, infact I have a game later today. Happy to chat about that more when a WH community is created hint hint😁.

My pick for best game of all time would be pokemon gold. Red and Blue got me in to loving the franchise but Gold (and silver/crystal) added so much more while keeping the core gameplay. I have been hunting ebay for the game but keep missing out so will probably go for a unofficial remake on the GBA.

Current playing Dragon's Dogma 2 which ontop of being an awesome game, keeps me engaged in this amazing community.

I also have a bad habbit of hunting old games on ebay, my prey atm are GBA games and cool fan made pokemon games (check out Ultra Violet).


Hey Paul! WHat Warhammer army are you currently working on? I am still dragging my heels at getting my Tau combat patrol painted! I really need to so i can finally have a game against my mate who has a grey knight army in waiting to attack me lol

Awww ebay game hunting is just such a buzz! any cool GBA pickups recently? I am trying to get my hands on a nice Xbox 360 console as I dont want to use my original one as fear of RROD!

Paul's avatar


Well I have three 40k armys, Blood Angels, Necron and Death Guard, the latter being the one im current playing more however Im also working on a hobbit army for Old World as a proxi for running out of room 😅.

I am looking for Pokémon Gold but it heeps getting away from me. I might just go to the darkside and get a fan mand GBA remake called "Shiny Gold" off etsy. Apparently its a faithful 1:1 remake with some extra stuff added.


haha when theres a warhammer JA you need to share some pics of your armys! Thats class!

A fan remake!? What I didnt even know these things existed? I thought you were gonna say some flash cart or something

Paul's avatar

I keep commenting about starting one lol.

Until recently I didnt know about the fan made phisical games either. Years ago I played a rom hack of fire red called "Ultra Violet" on my phone which is great but people have now put them on actual carts!

I have a list ready for pay day 😁


haha awesome! cant wait for the Herny Cavil Warhammer shop too! Gonna be amazing hopefully!

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


I am EveOnlineTutorials AKA FirestormCarnage

I currently run and operate two YouTube channels myself with a group of friends, we have around six channels together, which we help each other run.

Our main channel is Eve Online Tutorials which is a channel dedicated to teaching to play Eve online (obviously) showing gameplay/tutorials and breaking down the game making it easier to understand and enabling people to take baby steps in the game.

My personal channel is FirestormCarnage, it is MOSTLY dedicated to Minecraft, although I have a few series in the works as to what I will be putting on there. It's mostly again tutorials based on building cool houses, aesthetic things and of course making huge roller coasters etc.

My Personal Life?

I'm a father of 7, husband to my wife for 16 years and have been together for 19 years. I am a senior IT engineer by trade and work for multinationals under NDA contracts, so don't ask, because I can't tell you.

I don't have a lot of friends and personally, I prefer it that way, I've been dragged into things that don't concern me or been put in the middle of two people at war too many times that years ago I just have had enough. So I keep my friend's group very small.


Gaming / Warhammer / Netflix binging / keeping the family happy


Yo fam! How are the YT channels going? I Subbed & checked out your Eve channel and your voice overs are spot on! Super crisp audio and great info! I will be watching more beginner guides when I get time to try and understand what the game is all about!

Oh you into Warhammer too! Awesome! A few Warhammer fans on here which is cool! is it Warhammer or Warhammer 40k?

What games are on your gaming hit list for the weeks ahead if you get a spare second in-between work and family stuff!

Makster's avatar

I swear you dropped 'work for multinationals' in the comment just so we'd ask you coy bugger jk


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