As long as people will keep paying, price will keep on raising. Companies are trying to make as much money as possible, they are greedy, and, they are right, because people keep on buying everything. Why should Ubisoft sell SW Outlaws at 50e when they are sure people will buy the 120e edition? Companies wants revenues, they don't care about "fairness" or "ethics".
It's a very similar process to what is happening with concert's tickets, where, after corona, prices have skyrocketed but people keep on buying them, so why all the sellers (legal and not, first seller and reseller) should they lower their prices if they sell anyway?
Prices would become more fair if people started to say "hey man, 120e for a digital edition is a little too much, okay that I play earlier, I have this and that, but it's too much." and not buy it. Not complain on social and yet buy it. The same way that "Hey man, 80e (without taxes and various costs) to stand piled up in the crowd, okay the big artist and all, but it's too much" and not go to the concert, instead of paying, or worse going to resellers to go.
It is true that many games, after an year, you find them half the price, and if you have patience they go lower and lower, but companies wants, and somewhat need, the revenues now, not in 2 years.
If it's just a phase, it's hard to say and it depends on how the world goes on, which is not going well. For sure, I don't believe it's going to end tomorrow, nor the day after.