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Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

This has a very weird vibe to it, kinda like Nightmare Before Christmas theme kinda thing.

Martin's avatar

I downloaded it onto my XBox yesterday afternoon when I saw it on GamePass.

I got in about 2 hours of playtime. It looks great, very nice art and animations. It does suffer from some dodgy movement animations and clipping but you can easily see past them. I do like the addition of zooming, I am assuming this will be used at a later stage to help you out.

Seems to be very linear at the moment, reminds me of a point and click game but it may change once the rest opens up.

I am going to keep playing and complete the story.

Makster's avatar

I was gonna say it's a call back to the old school point and click games of Lucas Arts (and then later Double Fine)

ThomasBlackflame's avatar

It is a good-looking game, has got those scary weird dystopian vibes but its gameplay is not for me. I'm surprised by how solid the presentation of the game is.

Ford James's avatar

I'm intrigued! It looks like it's trying something genuinely new and interesting in the space, which is enough to capture my attention, but I don't have Game Pass at the mo so probably won't jump in immediately. It's just refreshing that games like this - despite it being in development for 8(!) years - are still being developed and getting such a warm reception, even if they're not to everybody's tastes.

Makster's avatar

I love the artstyle and animation but its probably not a game I would play and more so watch a playthrough or cutscene movie type thing on YT.

I'm not the big fan of point and click adventure games

Martin's avatar

I've now finished the main game and the majority of achievements. There is even one for taking your time - which I didn't achieve.

I'm no good at giving reviews so I'll just give my views without any spoilers...

As mentioned before it's a point and click linear adventure...

I really enjoyed it. Very linear and slow. Found myself running most of the time but didn't remove from the story.

The main story has a lot of spin offs and side bits that fill in on history and relationships - I would recommend do everything.

So great twists and characters abound. Not sure about the ending...

Graphical wise - looks great but suffers from some glitches. Hit boxes could be better. Controls can be a bit sluggish at times.

Voice and audio - I'm not someone to comment so all I can say is it's good.

Really enjoyed overall.

If you have GamePass go get for free!

MargotCandy's avatar

awesome thank you for your summary. I don’t have gamepass but I’ll see where I am with my backlog in a month or so and then I’ll give it a go :)


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