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Video Games

Video Games

nice video! You should play into the “how newbie friendly this is?” oj the packaging for the video, like on the thumbnail or tags I mean as it will help it stand out from other generic reviews! Keep up the good work 😀

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Thank you! I was thinking to do that but this week was mad and barely finished in time so could only make a generic one. But will definitely do a more specific one next time, good shout!


No I dont mean even change the video I mean update you thumbnail and description, as ive found focusing on that even more than the video content is massive as if you dont get the viewer to click you are not gonna get the view, and beginner videos always perform well! Just a thought! :)

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

This reminds me of space invaders for some reason but this is a great video mate, well done

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Thank you! Yes it's giving me Space Invaders vibes :D


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