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Video Games

Primary: Scorcher mainly because it 1-2shots most of the small guys and its super effective with dealing with Scout Strikers. Can also take down other enemies if you hit weak spots. Secondary: Nade pistol for those base fabricators. Granade: Stun - simply because it combos very well my support weapon. Support weapon: Anti Material Rifle - it can effectively kill anything up to including hulks and gunships. Has harder time with tanks and factory striders, but the build has its way.

For a backpack I bring Jet pack or supply pack depending on if i want to be more mobile or fight without worrying that i will run out of ammo/stims/nades.

I will bring Eagle 110 Rocketpods as they are perfect for tanks and they do decent job vs Turrets this also includes the factory strider turret. They can also take down the normal base factricators if you find yourself in a situation where you dont want to fight the enemies in the base in order to go and granade pistol it.

Lastly if there is a spot I will bring Orbital Lasser as 1 of those will clean up a whole base no problems and its also really good vs Factory Striders.

The build is exceptionally good in any situations and works perfectly when you are accurate due to the AMR being able to take almost everything and the eagle and orbital does not require you to precisely aim them as they focus the closes big enemy or structure.

Armor is extreamly flexible vs bots as anything would work but Heavy or Midium are significantly better then light due to being able to take shots.





impact grenades

Or if im feeling spicy i just go back to the old breaker


AMR Supply pack Eagle airstrike Orbital laser

Against bots, I’d get rid of normal grenades and use the impacts. You can take down both types of tanks and cannon turrets.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Personal Loadout:

Get something MID-Long Range which allows you to hit some sweet spots. (Most of them have weakspots aka sweet spots)

  • SG-8 Punisher

  • P-19 Redeemer

  • G-23 Stun grenade

Don´t forget your preferred Armor and Helmet <3

Must have tacticals

  • Shield Generator Pack

They have rockets which fly towards you....! They also hurt a lot in lower armor. May will kill you on first visit.

Optional Stuff

  • Quasar Cannon

  • Orbital Railcannon Strike

  • Eagle 500kg Bomb

Depending how Rambo you are maybe some smoke is prefferred.

Scrbzy's avatar
  • Primary: I run the SG-225 BREAKER when facing both bots AND bugs, it has a large clip size, decent damage, high fire rate and a surprising range for a shotgun. Killing walkers and devastators can be a struggle sometimes but it's excellent against beserkers.

    • Secondary: I never switch off from the P-19 REDEEMER, it's my staple regardless of enemy/mission. Great for whipping out when you don't have time to reload, insane fire rate and a quick reload.

    • Grenade: G-16 IMPACT, the highest damage alongside the G-12 but with the added caveat of instant explosions, great for dealing with the hordes of beserkers on your tail!

    • Booster: I'm a massive advocate of the Hellpod Space Optimization booster, it's useful on EVERY mission and as someone that dies a lot to bots, I get a LOT of use out of it. Besides, who doesn't want max stims and ammo on drop???

    • Armour: Much the same as bug missions, I run light armor because I prefer the mobility.

    • Stratagems: Heavily dependent on the mission type butmy go to's are the following. Eagle Airstrikes, useful in EVERY situation, quick call in, multiple charges and a quick recharge. Second would be the SH-20 Shield Generator, great as a 'get out of jail free' card. The amount of times this thing has saved my life is too many to quantify, I would go as far to say that it's a MUST have against the bots. Third would be the Quasar Cannon, still rocking it in it's nerfed state, it's just what I'm used too at this point. Last but certainly not least... The Mortar sentry! a death sentence against bugs, but an absolute destroyer of bots. I stat pad EVERY mission with this thing, the random squadmates I run with must think I'm some sort of professional at this point..


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