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Video Games

Video Games
Damien Mason's avatar

I similarly don't see an embedded video here, either, despite it saying it's a video post.


Good point me neither, it seems to have disappeared as has my other post about a new RTS game… weird … Boomer any idea what’s going on?

Damien Mason's avatar

I commented on the other one with a screenshot but it's been flagged for review. You'll see that reply second despite it coming first.


Awesome thanks for the heads up! I’ve pinged them on discord to see what’s happened as they were definitely there earlier incase it’s a bug on the site

Damien Mason's avatar

Definitely. I wanted to flag because you're a main contributor. Would be sad not to see your posts coming through.


Thanks fam! I appreciate it! Incase you still want to see it here’s another link if it works this time lol -

Boomer's avatar

That's really strange! I can see it on the edit preview but not on the live post.

I've flagged it with our team and I'll let you know when I find out more. Thanks for tagging me.


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