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Video Games
Boomer's avatar

Ah, another superfan I see 😄 I'm so glad we finally have a release window.

I was lucky enough to have a placement with Lionhead while they were making Fable 1. A few memories from the placement stand out, but it's just too hard to pick a favourite moment from the game itself.

I do love the music and brief moments of calm inside the Demon Doors though 😊

Paul's avatar

The demon doors were brillient, I remember one in fable 2 wanted you to react to his play and got angry if you did it wrong 😂.

Thats amazing you were there during the development. I have to ask, it was just one or two people doing all the voices wasnt it lol.

Makster's avatar

Haha no way that was Matt King!

The Fable ex-hero looked like a character Matt Berry would've portrayed

Boomer's avatar

Oh just wait...Matt Berry will be some mid-tier villain. Not even a villain villain, just an incompetent powerful person that causes havoc and needs the hero to clean it up!


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