I have to say Xbox has crushed it with this showcase. Standing head and toe above somewhat lacklustre Nintendo Directs and Sony State of Plays. Partly because we got decent showcases of familiar titles such as Fable, Perfect Dark, and Gears but also because we got some new games! - and not just from indie studios.
Mixtape is one of them. An character driven adventure looking to borrow heavy elements of Life is Strange, teenage coming-of-age movies and a heaping dose of nostalgia for those older millennials/ late Gen X. It hits on so many marks for me as a gamer and age-group that it really was a highlight of the showcase.
Do you feel similar? What other titles did you think were Showcase Show Stealers or Stand out? Please drop a link and trailer below
(I can't believe I'm more excited about this game compared to Perfect Dark..)
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