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Video Games
Nicole's avatar

I think it depends on the nature of the game - have they made it so massive and the mechanics so clunky that 100%ing does feel like an utter chore?

I enjoyed 100%ing Mad Max but that might be because I love that world and it was a small enough map that it really didn't feel like an insane grind.

On the flip side I've played other huge open RPGs and just rolled my eyes and thought 'oh okay, so we're doing this again are we?'

PS. feeling like the workout didn't count because you didn't have a Fitbit on is an extremely relatable vibe! 😂

Makster's avatar

yeah I get that too. It also depends on what it means to 100% a game. If it means to grind to unlock all the concept art - then probably not. Equally to do increasingly challenging modes like survival or time attack - I don't see myself doing that

If it's to collect all the collectables and I enjoy traversing the world like in Spiderman - then I'm more inclined to. Or to do all the side quests and I really enjoy the characters like Red Dead 2 then yeah I'd also love to do that

Nicole's avatar

Oh no, I am quite objectively terrible at video games so 100%ing can never include speed runs or max difficulties for me

Makster's avatar

I do think there are different definitions to 100% something.

I generally like to see all the mainline story content - so doing optional extras to get the 'secret' or true ending is fun to do but also means I'm basically following a walkthrough which takes a lot of the 'fun' out of gaming if you're just inputting as per a guide.

I do like the inclusion of achievements just because it can add some replayability - like trying to complete a game with just a pistol or carrying the gnome from the start of a map to the end.

Paul's avatar

I dont think I have ever felt the need to 100% a game. Achevements, although a nice inclusion, are not important in my gaming experience as I would much rather just play the game to story completion or sillilar if its a different type of game.

I think the only platinum trophy I have is on ps4 Spiderman and that was just because I wanted a reason to keep playing.

Dom W's avatar

I like achievable trophies and games that have achievable 100% criteria.

I won't bother anymore with ridiculously hard challenges, things that take hours to do, or "play through the entire game again on ultra hard mode" type trophies just to get 100%. One of the most ridiculous I've done is beating the Adamantoise in FF15 which took the best part of three hours to do: one battle! I don't have time for that any more. Having said that, I will go out of my way to get some - like collectibles and side quests, things like that - particularly when they take me further into the lore, help me level up to complete the main story, or get me further into the world map, but not when they will take hours and hours of grinding.

Thomas's avatar

I basically never 100% a game. The only time I think I have is Sonic Generations, but in general I don't really want to engage with optional parts of the game I'm not enjoying. I came close to 100%ing Spider-Man, but some of the speed challenges I just couldn't do so gave up!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Definitely depends on the game. I never really cared about achievements and trophies on PS until FFXVI. Most of the trophies there came so naturally during gameplay, that it actually got me excited to look up the few I was missing how to complete. I miss some from the new DLC, but from the main game I only miss the complete on hard mode to get the platinum trophy, and I'm halfway through to do it ( put the game aside for a bit so will finish it when I have more time)

To bring another FF example, no way am I going to do the trophies in FF7 Remake because some are tied to the mini games which I'm either not good at or not interested in.


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