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Video Games

Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

That was a very good video, well done mate, you gotta love X4, I got a free copy as well, I do like it but I do find myself thinking I can only play it for an hour or so before I get bored

CelestialFlea's avatar

Paid for the base game but not the DLCs, save for Cradle of Humanity. But yeah I get RTS games need a lot of time to dedicate to them to really be rewarding and open up. Which X4 does after the initial grind to set up some autominers to help kick start the economy. Timelines might be worth a try for you since you can jump straight into a storyline, though again I'm not sure how much of a headstart the stories give you.

Cheers though mate, glad you liked the vid 🙂


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