Those of you outside of our Just About EVE Online community may not be aware that the longstanding MMO is getting its very own sandbox FPS: EVE Vanguard. Even in its early stages, it's shaping up to be a gripping and unique shooter experience. Over the last seven months, monthly playtests have granted EVE's premium Omega members access, and from 20 June to 1 July, the most exciting playtest to date is running, complete with a new map, new activities, weapon upgrades, and more. CCP Games is offering Just About members temporary Omega keys covering the event. If you'd like one, comment on this thread and we'll email you a code.
The codes grant access not only to the playtest, but also to EVE Online's premium Omega features. So if you've been intrigued by the 20-year-strong space opera, now's a great time to give it a try. And in case you're looking for any further incentive to give it a whirl, we'll be running bounties with over $550 of prizes just for this event!
Oh, and if you want a leg up on the competition, check out this EVE Vanguard guide, which has been produced from the expert advice of those who consistently rank at the top of the playtest leaderboards.

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