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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Well this is something I'm looking at since my Minecraft content isn't going well so I thought about doing GTA Missions and Fun stuff for content so I think ill reinstall this n give it a go.

Holly's avatar

Definitely, why not give it a go! I started playing again a few months ago on a new account and I'm loving it.

Paul's avatar

I tried gta online but got bored quick as ai wasnt prapared to pay the microtransactions 🤮.

I got bills, taxes and an ex draining my money, dont need Rockstar trying to mug me everytime I log on.

Single player though 👌

Holly's avatar

I've personally not experienced any popups for microtransactions since I started playing again a few months ago. I play on PC though, so can't comment for console. Might be worth giving it another go?

Paul's avatar

Its not pop ups, its how far behind you are if you dont pay for things. I actually wouldnt mind pop ups as an alternative.

Holly's avatar

Ah that makes sense! I haven't found it too hard to get a decent account going from scratch without paying. But I did happen to start again at the start of a fantastic month of weekly updates which made things much faster.

CelestialFlea's avatar

Sure some of the modders are harmless and sometimes fun to screw about with in silly vehicles. But what they can CHOOSE to do on a whim with one wrong move, or just because they feel like it is truly frightening.

With Rock* having done very little to combat it and the ridiculous cost of DLC businesses needed to even play the content, including vehicles is insane. Enough reason for me to not be interested in GTAO anymore

Konquest's avatar

I still love GTA Online but these days I mostly play in invite only sessions solo, when I'm grinding for cash. The reason being public tends to have hackers who will destroy you just as you are about to finish your big sale and cash in :) I play on PC

Damo's avatar

Tried it a few years ago. Unfortunately the community is rife with modders/hackers which ruined the game for me.

I also found it ridiculously frustrating when buddies with my brother. We would join an event together but on completion we both get sent back to a random server , most of the time different to each other and then we have to try to find one with enough open spaces to then rejoin.

And loading times are horrendous.

Maybe all of this has been fixed by now, but it alienated me enough to stay away. It’s a shame RD Online was never given enough love and attention.

Makster's avatar

I love dipping in and out of GTA Online.
One of my favourite things to do in GTA is just cruise around the city in a beater car - nothing fancy. Just the Futo GTX and try to pull off some Initial D style drifting


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