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Video Games

Video Games

Aww dude that looks amazing ! I’d keep it if I were you! Any other cool games found when moving? For me the only one that jumps out at me is super Mario 3d allstars, I have a copy which I have opened and play and I have an unopened sealed copy , I just thought I would get two as it was a limited release but they seem to have made tons and still seems quite easy to get a hold of! Always cool to say you have a sealed copy of a good game!

Ps Boomer Alex Sinclair this would be a cool bounty idea from Makster? And another one could be people showing off their favourite steel book cases they have for games?

Thomas's avatar

It's still pretty expensive, I do regret not grabbing a copy. It's currently £68 at CeX and a whopping £126 on amazon

Makster's avatar

the golden rule of game collecting

Nintendo and Pokemon games are evergreen

(although there are some caveats - such as the WIiFit board which can't seem to escape car boot sales and charity stores)
I still see New Super Mario Bros. on DS and Wii >£20 and those are practically ancient and still in plentiful supply

Thomas's avatar

Funny you mention balance boards, I remember when I worked at CeX we had to stop taking them because we had so many and couldn't shift them. What was even worse were those plastic Mario Kart wheels that you stuck the wiimote in

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Ooh very nice! I for one think it'd make a great bounty. What do you think Rich?

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Dragon Quest is an amazing game series! I think this one might be rare due to the PS2 port. Many people don't have PS2 or the backward compatible PS3 anymore to play it as they upgraded to PS4/5 but maybe still have a 3DS kicking about.

Also there is a Dragon Quest III remake coming out in November, so that might have boosted the prices as well if people want to get their hands on the other titles.

Paul's avatar

I found Mr Mosquito for ps2 in my local Cex for £20.

I remember reading about it in a magazine before the PS2 released.

It is not a good game but is a rare one lol.

Prices on Ebay are a bit all over the place but tend to be over £50 and there are currently no UK listings.


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