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JHenckes's avatar

That's exactly it, just take what was promised in the PS5 announcement and the result is the PS5 PRO!

Makster's avatar

What was promised on the PS5 announcement that wasn't present on the console?

Bruno646's avatar

I agree with this take the ps5 should have been better on launch. same for the ps5 pro it should have been better. It let me down considering how litte it improved considering the cost difference between the two consoles.

Makster's avatar

I mean most products would be better if they had better specs on launch..

Bruno646's avatar

True but I mean more that the ps5's specs were more just disappointing. less of itd be nice for better specs and more that it SHOULD have had better specs

Makster's avatar

Release it 11 years after the PS4 and 4 years after the Xbox Series X?

Sorry it's not a very realistic hot take. Most people (gamers, investors, developers) would be very disappointed if that happened..


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