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Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

The beloved turn-based combat style was borrowed from the table top RPG Dungeons and Dragons which was also very popular at the time. A lot of the bestiary like the various dragons and chimaeras were also borrowed from D&D. Some others, mostly names of the summons like Ifrit, Bahamut and Odin have mythological roots.

Since leaving SE, Sakaguchi-san has been a devoted player of FFXIV, and when he was recently asked if he would work on another Final Fantasy game, he said no, because then he wouldn't have that much time anymore to play the game. He's not just a casual player, he cleared Ultimate raids, which are one of the most difficult fights in the game, and also played alongside Yoshi-P and the community during FanFest. My friend Razla Mau managed to get into the community event and tanked one of the trials from Endwalker alongside Sakaguchi-san. How cool is that? Playing together with the father of Final Fantasy?

I think it says a lot about his character that he didn't just start this amazing franchise but also enjoys it as a player. While I can totally relate to "there is no such thing as enough time to play FFXIV" I still hope that he might change his mind and would contribute a little to the next FF game.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

I was actually at the Fan Fest in London

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Oh lucky! I had no luck on the lottery, and when I tried to buy tickets the website was constantly crashing. They really need to organise these better, there were so many people getting tickets from scalpers and some people got to go to FanFest in all 3 regions :( I think only 2 of my ingame friends got tickets...

I think I'll try Japan FanFest next time, the organisation there was so much better.


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