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Video Games

Video Games
0ffworld's avatar

Started on PlayStation 1 (If we're talking hardware that I own.) and I bought a 360 back in the day for Forza but I'm gaming on PC. I use controllers but I don't think I could go back to consoles.

Makster's avatar

yeah I was gonna say that the question is ambiguous but from the line up of consoles I think Murray meant rn

Makster's avatar

where does the SteamDeck sit on this list?


Goood call I’d still say that’s PC?

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I started off on consoles and I mean old consoles, but now I am full PC master race with a few games on my phone.

Hunter's avatar

Yes Consoles can be great but it will never win against pc .

Boomer's avatar

If we're just measuring by time then it's mobile by a long mile, but in terms of active engagement it's PS5 and Elden Ring.

Overall it's easily Xbox...Halo took up all of my time for many years! 😅


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