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Books & Comics

Books & Comics
Horror and Cats's avatar

I am not a super avid reader but I've got a few books I want to talk about on my channel. I've done one horror comic double feature recommendation video and I want to do some on the really stand out books as well.

I rate things as "pass/fail," meaning I either recommend it or I don't, and if I don't recommend it, I'm probably not going to make a video about it haha

Lanah Tyra's avatar

To be fair that's what I would say about books, movies or games in general. Yes or no. If yes, then I will go into some details what I really liked and what I think could be better and why I recommend it.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Yeah exactly. I'm not a big fan of the "tear down" video type. When a big movie/gane comes out and it's got problems, I cover it. But I'm not going to just make a tirade about a bad film or game people probably wouldn't have on their radar anyway. What's the point if that?

Boomer's avatar

I forgot to send this to you when we launched Books & Comics!

I'm a big fan of their sci-fi podcast and magazine, but I've not checked out their horror content yet.

Philip's avatar

I only recommend books I enjoyed.

Though I might do a scale of 1-5 if someone is asking about a particular book that I've read. A rating of 1 or 2 would be for books that bored me and I didn't bother finishing. 3 gave me some interest and I finished it, though I may have been hoping it'd get better. 4 for a decent read. 5 if I loved it and am eagerly anticipating the sequel.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I thought about the question from a content creator perspective--you don't have a specific person in mind. I would definitely be more aligned with what you've said if I was talking to a friend or family member, calling out the aspects they might like/dislike to give them a broad view if they asked me what I thought.

mar1gold 's avatar

I use good reads but my ratings are pretty arbitrary hehe i mainly use it for the yearly reading challenges so i can set and track a reading goal ^-^


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