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Books & Comics

Books & Comics

Wow that is a nice purchase!

Makster's avatar

It sounds like Antiques Roadshow or Cash in the Attic type deal, but good for that person.
But for me:

I've been collecting artbooks for a long time often of my favourite games and anime series. So below are some of my favourites
(I've been meaning to make this into a YT show or Tiktok reel where I go through old collectables and then re-evaluate them to see how much they are worth now)

Gorillaz - Rise of the Ogre (2006). I bought it for £25 back when I was still a teenager and £25 was like A LOT of money. Recently sold on eBay for £35.. Okay, bad start

The Art of Persona 5 (2017). Bought for £13.59 on amazon and recently sold on eBay for £40.00 so a somewhat modest success. (I honestly thought this be a lot more in demand)

Marvel VS Capcom: Official Complete Works (2012). Bought for £21.64 and recently sold on eBay for £50

I won't fuelling my smart meter when I turn these books into my pension but I'm happy they're at least somewhat appreciating

Rich's avatar

Some nice profits there!


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