Nod excitedly at the screen if you've ever tried your hand at improv? With this bounty, we're looking to bring some of that 'yes, and' energy to JABC.
Simply click here to pull an image at random from Lorem Picsum, an image library.
Whatever image you get is your prompt. Use it to write an outline for a novel or a comic of at least 70 words.
Submit both the outline and the image to this bounty!
No need to submit your images through linked social media on this occasion; we just need to see the prompt so we can judge how well your idea links with it. The 15 ideas which we think would make the best novels or comics, and which are best-linked with their prompt images, get the goods!
already paid
$8 / 30
This reward closed to entries at 10:30am on August 2, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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