Much like the Marvel posts this will be a weekly post but on Thursdays and we are starting off with what is your favourite DC character?
Mine is Green Lantern (Hal)
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Much like the Marvel posts this will be a weekly post but on Thursdays and we are starting off with what is your favourite DC character?
Mine is Green Lantern (Hal)
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Mine is a Green Lantern as well but John Stewart, because of him being an Architect like me and be a character that travel though all the universe!
I quite like John Constantine but mostly because of his on-screen appearances.
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I liked that he started appearing in different shows, and I hoped he'd become DCs Deadpool...crude but funny, turns up in strange places, sees the world in ways others can't, and death is a minor inconvenience.
Green Lantern (Ryan Reynolds Adaption) but also because I love the idea of the Green Lantern and how a force for good exists protecting all
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