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Content Creators
Ross's avatar

Can't wait to enter the bounty for this. My ROPEY pc set-up in my parent's kitchen on 0.8mb upload was NOT a vibe for streaming... :')

FUN INC's avatar

Love this bounty!

Hello, my name is FUN INC, or more widely known as Keacte in the MMO EVE online.

I got started with "conten creation" (note parenthesis!) probably in around 2016 or 2017 i reckon?

I started with recording fights and roams in EVE, rewatching them for self analysis, ended up making some funky music videos with game footage, and then some instructional videos, which then went on to creating propaganda and "cinematic" videos of in game footage etc, which then lead me to an aborted twitch streaming session when it became hugely apparent that my ISP was useless and streaming with such low resolution was just a no-no!!

I promptly went back to recording and making videos, when i eventually get a better ISP and net connection.

Roll on, i dunno 3/4/5 years or so and i stream EVE online content twice a week on my account here :

I am not the best PVPer, I am not the best streamer, I am not the best FC, but hopefully if anyone were to join and watch they would enjoy the content that i provide!

the tldr would be recorded stuff started creating videos, ended up streaming! :)

Come chuck us a follow, and say hi! :)

Letitia Lemon's avatar

A long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away...

Several of my friends had started to dabble in streaming, including a few notable TV presenters. On a casual gaming evening over group voicechat, they said that I should start streaming- I talk a lot, I'm funny and I'm not terrible at games so they think I'd make great content. I pondered this, asked for opinions from some of my presenter friends and they all agreed that I'd be great at it as well. However, I was hesitant because all I had was a bog-standard PS4, headset mic and a PS4 camera, while sitting on my bed to play... not even a gaming chair. I was very self-conscious about my setup but I figured if my personality can save it, then maybe I can make this work. In March of 2018 I hit the Share button and went live on Twitch for the first time. I said to myself, if this flopped then I'll spare the embarrassment and never stream again. I'd never want to stream to 0 viewers... even though I have the abillity to talk and talk as if there were people watching, my ego wouldn't let me (and I'm thankful to say that I've never had a 0 viewer stream.) I had no idea how well my first stream was going to do though or who would even turn up bar a couple of friends who said they'd be there to see how it went... Little did I know, that throughout that stream, this random nobody had garnered 372 views! I couldn't believe so many people just stumbled upon my stream and decided to give it a watch. Either my friends hyped it up a lot or Twitch discoverability was very generous, I don't know! I still can't believe it to this day. I streamed a couple of other times that week and still had those high views, so it definitely wasn't a fluke and by the second week I had hit all the requirements for Affiliate... just from the most basic stream setup and casually playing games that I liked. There was even a point where I was on a potential push for Partner because I was doing so well- still without any huge upgrades to my setup, just proving that you don't need to spend thousands on expensive gear right at the start. But, the reason I said potential push for Partner was because I never actually applied for Partner... because other aspects of my career took over. I'm an actor/ immersive theatre performer, events host, voiceactor and model so my career is varied and involves a lot of time away... and I didn't want to make streaming stressful. It's always just been about having fun, playing games and if I can entertain people in the process then that's a bonus. It's great portfolio builder for me and I'd decided that I'll always stick with it as a hobby... but should there ever come a day again where the potential for a purpl tick arises, then I don't see why I shouldn't put in a little extra time to make that happen! I've been on and off Twitch a few times in the 5.5 years since starting, so I'd say I've probably streamed for closer to 4 of those years on a casual basis but I'm super proud and humbled by the amazing CommuniTREE (see what I did there?) that I've built up and no matter where my career takes me, I know I'd never want to stop streaming.

Ford James's avatar

That's fantastic for a first stream - I suppose when it goes that well, you can't do anything but carry on!

Letitia Lemon's avatar

Exactly! I saw the number afterwards and I just couldn't believe it was that high, so it gave me plenty of motivation to keep going :)

Brother Grimoire's avatar

I first became interested in becoming a content creator when it was introduced to me by some friends that started streaming. I gave it a try ~4 years ago and streamed on and off as my life allowed. I really enjoyed it, but I was unable to make a full commitment between moving a lot and a busy job.

Recently, I became injured on a jobsite and was left with permanent nerve damage that left me unable to continue my career as an electrician. Left with a large amount of time on my hands and with the encouragement of my fiance, I made a New Year’s Resolution to take streaming seriously. I started 2023 with 180 followers and have 4379 at the time of writing.

Rushlock's avatar

I started by streaming before work, and directing the few folks there to another channel that I watched while at work.

Then in August 2013 I streamed every day for a month, for 4 hours a day, to see how I felt at the end of the month. Was I burned out, did I want to do more still? Turns out I still had the energy to keep wanting to do it!

Just ran it as I do today, a Live Q&A Help Desk format for EVE Online.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

My journey started on Twitch, when I took over raid leading from my mentor in FFXIV. We were running a Discord server and organised 48-man Delubrum Reginae Savage raids for our community, with explanations and guides for the newbies. Being a server with 4000 members and the content being fairly new, there were multiple runs each week and we had to make sign-up sheets, create rosters and assigns roles to people.

Of course those who didn't make it onto a run still wanted to see it and use the stream to prepare for the next run, so it was common practice for the raid leaders to stream. I've never done it before, so had to call my mentor and ask how do you stream? He helped me set up OBS and explained the basics. These streams were not really about engaging with the viewers as I was constantly doing explanations and callouts, but still I tried to reply to messages in chat between pulls.

I don't have a vod saved from those early days, but on this one you can hear my terrible Hunglish accent at the beginning:

I uploaded a few highlights from these runs to my Youtube channel, and one is still my most viewed video to this day:

I had to stop raid leading earlier this year as life wasn't easy, and didn't think I would get back into content creation, but then I saw a job advert for a Game Capture Artist and I realised it's something what I would love to do, but I didn't have a portfolio to show my skills. So I started to make FFXVI guide videos and I can see my channel stats growing slowly but steadily. Still a very small number, but it gave me the push I needed to look into content creation more seriously.

Won't be easy beside a full-time job, but will see how it goes :)

AlexGra 's avatar

Hello, My name is Alex Gra & I started creating content about EVE Online because, while I'm not a professional, I'm an enthusiastic player and wanted to share my experiences and insights with other gamers who might benefit from my adventures, tips, and strategies in the game. It's a way to engage with the community, learn from others, and have a creative outlet where I can express my love for EVE Online while helping newer players.,

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