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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me Reddit is just another place to post content, i.e having my own sub reddit, the main issue with Reddit as a platform is there is no "overseer" as it were, which mean say, the /r/eve /r/wow sub-reddits are run by fans, not officially, which means they can simple edit the Reddit posts to suit themselves, allow people to post content they agree with whilst censoring other's content they don't like.

IMO game sub reddits are pointless. When you have moderators and owners who will do as they please, I mean what's the expression "we are only human" therefore, any actions taken by these "moderators" are within their rules as a whole on Reddit, of which you cannot "complain" or "report" said moderators to any higher-ups. So should say a game subreddit such as /r/minecraft which has millions of followers, allows "famous" YouTubers to post content, but unknown or "small" content creators, call it "self-promotion" and remove it.

So does Reddit help with YouTube/Twitch/Kick - In short no, because to reach said player base, you would essentially have to begin a "journey" of building your own SubReddit, to your own rules because unless as stated above, you are famous, you will always be accused of "self-promotion" and have your posts removed in said SubReddits. Potentially be banned from those subreddits in the first place.

So makeover or not, Reddit will always be a place for those who are famous to grow their brands, whilst those who are not will struggle and struggle to comply with post content and have it viewed.

Potentially one fix would be for game Reddit to run weekly threads on say a Sunday where in one single thread, anyone can post videos and have them viewed and the thread is deleted after 24 hours.

Boomer's avatar

I like your idea about weekly threads where people can share. It gives people a space that is protected, without self-promotional posts flooding the platform.

There were some weekly share your streaming schedule posts here a while back, and I think they'll become more popular as the platform grows.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Not sure why this was flagged lol.

But yes I think a once-a-week thing is better for people because essentially you can choose your best video for that week, post it and see if people enjoy it without risking being moderated for self promotion.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'm guilty of not sharing those lately, sorry! Will get back to it when I'm done with moving house and have internet again.

The last one I tried to share a couple of weeks ago I got a message back that the post didn't make the community standards and wasn't published? It didn't go to the usual moderator route where it says hey this got caught up by the auto mod and a human will look at it soon, it just simply didn't get published. I was meant to flag that to ask was there something in the post which was not allowed or was the auto mod simply set to too sensitive, just then RL happened and I forgot.... Can dig up from my email when the post was and what message I got back if that helps to look into it?


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