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Boomer's avatar

I was all about that 🟠Orange🟠network, but I was definitely a Nokia kid. The 3210 was peak phone in my mind! Spending hours playing snake and writing your own ringtones, none of this talking to people malarkey! 😂


aww I agree! The 3210 might be my fav phone I’ve ver had! I Remeber you could change the look with different plastic covers! I even managed to get a cheap knockoff cover that made it look like the matrix phone where you could press a button and a plastic cover would slide down to reveal the buttons haha great times! The 3310 ended up being way more popular but I don’t think it looked as cool as the 3210, and yes these were even more chilled days with no social media agro or doom scrolling!

I had this 3210 but in blue, and then changed to my gold matrix phone cover haha! Felt so cool with it, like Neo every time I answered a call lol

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I got the Motorola Razr and felt so cool with it

Lanah Tyra's avatar

3210 and also had Ericsson T10 was so proud when I managed to write the Cantina theme from Star Wars as a ringtone😂 For a very long time I didn't even had a smart phone, only when my ipod died so swapped my phone then for a company phone to listen to music 😅

And totally agree on the talking to people bit. Was only talking to mates I played with on Ventrilo. Other than that I was perfectly fine with IRC chat and ICQ messenger. You could put yourself away or busy, not having to be constantly available like now when you have messenger on your phone. Probably this is why I prefer Discord, I can just hide...

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

The 3310 and Mini Disk player was the absolute highlight of my life in college, I had the fancy version of a CD Player (yes I'm that old) and the upgraded 3210. Nowadays whilst I can build a computer with my eyes closed, my iPhone confusing the living crap out of me, I have to hand it to my 16yr old to sort out half the time!

Sturmer's avatar

3210 was the best: the shape, the weight. 3310 was squeaky and 'fat'.

Sturmer's avatar

I still miss my Sony with a 4'7 screen. Compact phones - that's what I want back


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