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FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I would love for Eve Online to be VR-able with walking-in stations. I know they had another game that was VR, but it kinda flopped. I think the Eve walking in stations would be great and of course the massive fleets fights with VR able to look around from one spot, would be amazing, but then as my name suggests, I am biased xD

Sturmer's avatar

You can lauch eve online in VR right now, but its not that great for such gameplay. Gunjack and eve Valkirie both projects a closed :(

But AR is different thing, the closest thing in content making i think its POV with gopro or insta360. But again, its not argumentation of viewers reality, its just emersive dive into creator's experience.

Waching twich steam while shopping in a mall?) We already have problems in attention and perception

Boomer's avatar

I think it'd be really cool if you could pair the glasses with your phone, and use it's GPS to create locative media. You could have people create augmented reality walking tours from a first person perspective.

There are cities that have large scale graffiti on the side of buildings, and could have interviews with the artists while the graffiti is animated via the glasses.

I'm so fascinated by playable cities, and this feels like the means to achieve it without having to worry about hardware in public spaces.


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