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mmmmm good question, I think everything you said there is valid, but I’d maybe look on it as more different side to your personality versus a different role or identity. I’d say it’s natural as a human being to have different sides to our personality’s which have different desires and interests but maybe when it comes to online there’s certain times you want to focus on one so you get known for that particular thing. Like I feel everything you said in your post is great, and you should embrace it because it’s what makes you YOU! Which is an original and the thing that is interesting to people versus just being a copy of someone else for a certain audience because that’s how it’s always been done? Hope this makes sense but if you want to do something again in a space you have left, you should do it, but do it how you like, be your authentic self. That way in this new world we’re all navigating you will attract the right people and opportunity’s that align with the real you. I think that might be where the real value is held versus changing identity for whoever you are infront of, and it just makes you feel better. I would say I don’t really balance different identity’s online but I only share parts of my identity, so instead of changing I just show parts of my personality so you are not giving everything away and have some stuff that’s just for you, friends and family etc. not sure if any of this helps but hopefully it will!


ps I should of said I read your post but didn’t read the linked article incase I’m barking up the wrong tree with my response lol

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

For me, I have a very much "don't like me, sounds like your problem". I am proud to be a father and talk about it a lot when I stream, I'm a Senior It Engineer and my boss knows what I do and thinks it's cool, the best thing he ever said to me was "If you ever go viral n become massive, I want a Lambo bitch" - So I would say, embrace who you are, I would love to read research on stuff, I find most topics interesting.

I would say trying to conceal who you are, is making yourself stressed and could cause MH issues from anxiety and constant fear people will find out. Also, I'm pretty sure it's illegal to fire someone for posting online unless it's racist/homophobic. I mean it is here in the UK, you have top have a work-specific reason to fire someone.

Dave's avatar

Firstly I have a lot of respect for people with the confidence to just put themselves out there, use their real name everywhere etc.

For me I think I have gone full circle on this, from being on all the social media, over sharing and using the same name everywhere, to coming off it all. I have started joining in again in some places such as here and rarely on discord but not traditional social media. I wouldn't call it a different "identity" as such, but I do use different unlinked unique "pen names" these days on each service rather than the same name everywhere.

It's a tricky one if your professional life by it's nature involves making a brand of yourself. For me I do value the ability to be just my real name on linkedin for work only , Dave on justabout, Cloud on FFXIV, MasterChief on Xbox and so on. My friends and family know me on each platform but someone upset I beat them in a round of call of duty doesn't need to.


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