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Dave's avatar

I recognise that free music lol. I find the whole experimentation side of all this really interesting, what works what doesn't, the whole learning process of trying out different tools and platforms etc.


haha nice! What have you found so far with your experience of these platforms!? Be cool to see if we could unlock some best practices to help more consistent high viewing content be created for us all!

Dave's avatar

Well so far I think its don't try and run before you can walk! Test out your ideas to see if you enjoy doing something, don't get carried away with grand ideas!


Cool, what content is it you made again? Was it the AI stuff? or am I getting mixed up with someone else lol?

Dave's avatar

Ha ha yeah I made a few AI videos experimenting around really, trying out tools and learning how everything works, then decided it was a bad idea. Then I pivoted to trying to start my own blog site, now I've decided that is a lost cause as well, so now i'm looking into newsletters on substack which I think might be more my thing lol. The problem is the the time commitment to actually do it properly.

Back in 2008 I did start my own games website, put a lot of time and effort into it and was doing pretty good traffic (in my opinion) 4-5k uniques a week . I was getting invited to small blogger press events alongside sites like Destructoid for example would attend. Managed to get a fantastic interview with Ralph Fulton who was the chief game designer of Codemasters GRID at the time (now game director and GM at playground games), on mailing lists for review copies at small publishers.

The problem was between that and my real job I had no time to do anything else at all, I was pretty much doing two full time jobs. The games site paid about £15 a month from ads, because it was pay per click and noone ever clicks them. So it probably paid about 10p an hour even before costs. Had youtube been properly around and I thought about it more at the time and we went for that instead of a podcast, maybe I could have turned it into something.

In the end I gave it up and let it all expire. Someones sitting on my old domain now and trying to sell it for thousands, it has a backlink from Eurogamer and all sorts of proper big sites who covered one of my news stories back then.


hey Dave how are you getting on with sub stack!??

Dave's avatar

Haven't had time really to get going on it. I worry about the time commitment now after remembering what it was like before!

Boomer's avatar

Some creators might not be comfortable sharing this sort of data and that's ok. On the other hand, sharing it like you have can be really powerful.

Even if the actual figures aren't shared, the percentage change and the actions taken might help other creators learn how to tweak their approach.

It'd be cool if creators could share and compare data from a fixed period, like a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly stats chat. 🤔

Boomer's avatar

Seconded! I absolutely love digging into data like this, so keep the updates coming! 😄

Lanah Tyra's avatar

This is interesting. I don't really post videos on Insta, so can't compare that one, but most of the time my shorts do better on TikTok than on Youtube.

Youtube: 60 views and none of those were within the fist few hours of uploading the video (upload time was around 11pm)

Tiktok: 722 views, over 600 was within 20 mins

Twitter: 48 views (no idea when, I don't monitor engagement there that much)

While Youtube shorts might get a few views days or weeks later, TikTok is almost always very short spanned, I get some more views the day after uploading the video but nothing after that.

I have one short which did better on Youtube, do idea why, got 419 on it while on TikTok only 90... And I don't think I did anything different?


yeah it’s very interesting how they both go about getting views, I think a large part is to do with how the sites are designed in that TikTok mostly is a never ending scroll where it surfaces stuff to you and YouTube has a bit of that mixed in with your home page and search


views update for those interested after 44 hours -

Instagram - 258

YouTube - 3840

TikTok - 1245

seems TikTok has a quick burst but YouTube is more gradual if the content resonates with your audience and insta is just doing nothing lol


Short video views update for those interested after circa 2 days 21 hours -

Instagram - 290

YouTube - 12270

TikTok - 1263

YouTube seems to be running away with it so far! Seems to gets views in bursts from the algorithm, u like the others which have pretty much flatlined after the first few hours of being live.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

This is very helpful, thank you! My channel is still quite small so some content gets picked up the algorithm and some doesn't. But based on this it's definitely worth uploading my shorts to Youtube too for long-term progress.

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