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Content Creators

honestly there is so many incredible content creators I would love to collaborate with but for sheer personal satisfaction and fun I think I would have to pick Pewdiepie!

He’s probably the one content creator I’ve always stuck with through the years and enjoy all the different types of content he releases, from let’s plays, to reactions to vlogs I just think he seems a really cool dude, and I find him very entertaining.

So for me the collab would be a “Sweden vs Scotland Zero Deaths Challenge!” Where pewds and myself go head to head in a bunch of classic games against each other where the person with the fewest deaths at the end wins! Now I would absolutely suck at this as I’m no pro gamer but it would be a hell of a lot of fun where I’d imagine complete chaos would ensue which always makes for a fun video! Also for fun as we are both humans of Pugs we would have them as our mascots too!

who knows if it was successful it could become a series! Anyways time for me to wake up now haha 👌👍🏆🎮

Sturmer's avatar

Since Just About expanded to broader topics, collaborating with Sam Pilgrim, the mountain biking sensation, would be a dream project. Imagine us riding the trails near my home, with him demonstrating the potential of these paths when ridden by a pro. The thrill of tackling these routes with his expertise would be unparalleled.

Additionally, creating a humorous video where I as a subscriber learn to do a manual ride under Sam's guidance could be immensely fun and relatable. It would not only capture the challenges and fears associated with learning new biking skills but also offer an entertaining and educational perspective.

Even though geographical distances are a challenge, dreaming about such collaboration is exciting. Sharing trails and tips with a biking star like Sam would not only enhance my skills but also create memorable and inspiring content (at least for me!).

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I would love to do a collab with one of the biggest FFXIV creators I admire for his knowledge of the game and how he always gives honest feedback in a respectful manner.


He has a regular series called State of the Realm where he invites other creators and talks about things happening in the game around recent updates and the community. While I am a small creator and probably he doesn't even know I exist, I have so much I could share about struggles I've been facing while trying to keep our Delubrum Reginae Savage raiding community going and would be interesting to hear his thoughts on the content itself, how can you keep an old "dead end" content alive and get new players interested in it, how it's organised on NA data centers (I'm playing on EU) and maybe invite someone from JP data center as well so they could share their story.

Long story short, the community in EU has fallen apart and it's really hard to see a bright future for it as there are more small communities wanting to organise these raid runs in their own way, with truly very little interest is there from the wider community. It either has to change drastically how we approach the content to appeal to new players, or bring in some fresh ideas from other parts of the world as I've heard things about the runs done in NA but not necessarily trust the sources or know that it's actually working and popular with the community. So would love to have a chat with a trusted expert.

Maybe one day :)

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar


I would love to do a no holds bared interview with Rixx Javix

Why? Because he is who is is, he is the pirate lord, the man behind the Eve Board Game, the man behind Abab. I can think of at least 50 questions I would ask him and Eve Online is my main content.

Sad that I don't aim for a "million subscriber" YouTuber, but that, would be my, dream collab on a piece of content.

Rupert's avatar

Surely we can make this happen?! 👀

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Possibly not, there are reasons as to why, but yeh. Is what it is.


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